Stock market is like a maze. To invest in stocks one needs to have a thorough knowledge about the investments and different stocks. Everything you wanted to know about Stock Market Investing is a book that tells us in a very simple language all aspects of stock market investing and the issues concerned. It is a comprehensive study of all the data, analysis tools and support that you need before investing.
The book tells us all about how the market works. This book will help you understand the various aspects of making an investment and good and the bad points about it. It in depth helps the investor understand macroeconomic aspects and their impact on businesses, how to respond in times of panic, how to avoid being the victim of stock market scams and finally, how to compute equity investment returns before and after tax.
It manages to alter the apparently difficult task of stock investing into an enjoyable and rewarding exercise that leaves you wanting to know more and do more.
About the author:
Network 18 Publications is a leading media company that has a strong market existence in publishing books on business areas like Consumer Magazines, Trade Magazines and Business Directories. They also sell several trade magazines which have made an appearance on TV shows like Overdrive on CNBC TV18, CNN IBN and CNBC Awaaz and Awaaz entrepreneur on CNBC Awaaz. Some books published by them are Everything You Wanted to Know About Investing a New Perspective 1st Edition, Die Poor or Live Rich: Your Life, Your Choice Secrets to Master Your Money, How to be Your Own Financial Planner in 10 Steps: Master Your Financial Life 2, 16 Personal Finance Principles Every Investor Should Know and Master Your Relationship with Money Grow Your Wealth 1st Edition.
if you are a newbie to investment in stocks and having little knowledge about how to pick stocks, evaluate different stocks..then its a perfect one for you. after reading the whole book you will feel like you can make your own investment decision and manage your own portfolio, you will feel like you got the real investment experience in market --Ramesh on 30 Jan 2014
If you want to make money but having no knowledge.go for it.And it is required to know these things rather than going to some finance guru. --Abhishek Pal on 26 Dec 2013
Stock market is like a maze. This book makes it both easy and interesting for those who would like to watch the bulls and bears at play and definitely useful to those who want to play with them. --By R Srinivasan on 22 January 2015
About the Author:
Network18 Publication Pvt. Ltd. is a media and entertainment company which has its hands in everything from television to internet. Network18 has authored and published the book Everything You Wanted To Know About Stock Market Investing.